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We invite you to join the East Yorkshire Cricket 100 Club. This gives you the opportunity to support the organisation with a minimum of effort and a very good chance of winning a monthly cash prize.

The subscription to the East Yorkshire Cricket 100 Club is £24.00 per year per number, payable in advance by standing order (preferably annually) or annual cheque

We do appreciate that you must receive many requests for charitable donations, but the 100 Club gives you the chance to win your money back every month.


Why not share a membership with family or friends, or better still, buy more than one membership as a syndicate and increase your chances of winning?

For the equivalent of just £2 per month you will be entered into a monthly draw with the chance to win cash prizes.


The prizes will total 50% of the monthly income.


The monthly prizes awarded will be: 1st prize will be 30%, 2nd prize will be 15% and 3rd prize will be 5%


There will be a Christmas draw for December where the prize fund will change to: 1st prize 60%, 2nd prize 30% and 3rd prize 10%.


There will be one prize draw each month


Members may have up to a maximum of 2 multiple subscriptions per person.

Anybody over the age of 16 can become a member of the 100 Club.

 Membership is not restricted to those associated with East Yorkshire Cricket and you are encouraged to get family and friends to join.


All funds not paid out in prizes will go directly to the running costs of East Yorkshire Cricket.


Apply online or download an application form and return it to us with your payment option

First Draw takes place in October 2017

Apply online for 1 number

Apply online for 2 numbers

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